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Topic: Funding acquisition
Culture Workshop

6/1/22, 5:00 PM
Do you have an idea for a cultural project, but no money to implement it? What is the right funding pot, when is a project eligible for funding and how does the application work?,
This will be explained in our next Kulturwerkstatt cycle, which in turn will take place at our three locations in Luckau, Lieberose and Halbe as well as online. Representatives of funding agencies are invited to attend. Cultural actors have the opportunity to present their project ideas and check for eligibility.
Dates – always at 7 p.m.:
1 June – Esperanto Stacio Halbe (Bahnhofstrasse 30)
Carolin Jank, district of Dahme-Spreewald;
Beatrice Christiane Flemming, Partnership for Democracy Dahme-Spreewald (PfD)
Once or twice a year, the district gives out funds to clubs and organizers of all cultural sectors through its culture funding pot - from very small projects to larger ones. The PfD supports projects to strengthen diversity, tolerance and democracy - cultural events are particularly suitable for this. The funds are distributed several times a year.
June 15th – Darre Lieberose (Schlosshof 3)
Speaker: Sandra Junghardt, Platform for Cultural Education
The platform for cultural education grants funds twice a year in the "Cultural Education and Participation" program. Funding is provided for projects that contribute to diverse cultural participation and education for all people in the state.
29 June – Luckau Cultural Church (Nonnengasse 1)
Speaker: Karina Wisniewski, Lausitz Economic Region
The aim of structural change funding in the area of culture and tourism is to further develop the cultural area of Lusatia. Industrial culture, European garden art, the culture of the Sorbs/Wends, and other factors create identity and promote a unique image building.
July 6 – Online (link after registration)
Ulrike Feld, project manager creative agency Brandenburg
n.n., Spreewald Association (requested)
Leader funding is available for investment projects. The Spreewald Association explains the main features of the Leader funding and which focal points can arise for culture in the next funding period. The Brandenburg creative agency provides coaching for all cultural actors who are commercially active (solo/self-employed, clubs as organizers, etc.).
We kindly ask you to register under this link: There are already some registrations for this cycle - of course you do not need to repeat them. You are welcome to suggest your own topic/project when registering, which can be discussed during the workshop.