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The 7SACHEN networking evening is a series of events for networking and making the Brandenburg cultural and creative scene visible.

7SACHEN Netzwerkabend

7SACHEN Netzwerkabend

16.5.24, 16:00


16.5.24, 19:00

7SACHEN invites Brandenburg creatives to network on May 16th. to the Esperanto Stacio in Halbe.

7 creative professionals from the region will present themselves for 7 minutes each. After the presentation comes the important part: the networking! Conversations can be deepened and contacts made over a drink. The format is open to everyone and everyone and is free of charge. We ask that you register by email to


7SACHEN works very simply: 7 actors from the regional creative scene present their ideas, projects, visions or concerns in 7 minutes each in quick succession. Apart from the tight time frame, there are no requirements for the type of presentation. From a classic Powerpoint, to a poetry slam or an interactive performance, to a concert performance – everything is possible and permitted.


The state of Brandenburg has a lively cultural and creative scene, whose dynamism and innovative strength contribute significantly to the development of a modern state. With the 7SACHEN event series we want to network the scene more closely and make it visible. We offer creative professionals a platform for presentation and exchange - across industry boundaries!


The 7SACHEN network evening is a series of events for networking and making Brandenburg's cultural and creative industries visible on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Energy of the State of Brandenburg, presented by Kreatives Brandenburg.




Bahnhofstraße 30, 15757, Halbe
+49 176 24714203

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The project "Establishment of a rural cultural hub in the train station buildings of Halbe (LDS)" is supported by the Ministry of Economy, Labor and Energy with funds from the European Social Fund and the State of Brandenburg.

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